To go far in losing weiht JUST CHANGE YOUR WAY OF THINKING and you will succeed in it.
Put your hands up who ended another hard week at work with a takeaway, or mended a broken heart with a tub of Häagen-Dazs? I think all of us do that.
We are wired to eat more through hard times, say Sandy Newbigging and Amanda Hamilton, authors of the new book, Life-Changing Weight Loss.
“Research has shown that negative thought patterns are hundred % responsible for overeating,” says Amanda.
“Simple self-analysis will free you from the thinking that is behind your expanding waistline.”
So here is a brain detox that will help you beat overeating for good.
Can not shift the pounds, doesn't matter what you do? It could be because you are telling yourself to hold on to the weight. Loopy as it sounds, you can actually think your body fat.
“Studies have proven that your mind has the power to make your body believe what it is told,” explains Sandy. “So if you think you are doomed to be overweight always, that is exactly what you will be.”
Time to find out what you are saying to yourself – score out of ten how much you agree with the following statements:
1 I have a slow metabolism
2 I can not lose weight easily
3 It is impossible to lose weight
4 Losing weight requires hard work
5 I am this weight naturally
Now look at the statement that you scored most highly. This is the negative thought that’s stopping you losing weight.
Finding your negative thoughts is the 1st step. The 2nd is to explore the real reason you overeat. Take a few minutes to write down the 5 things that have most upset you in your life.
It does not matter what they are – be it a death in the family or being dumped when you were 13 – it is how you feel about them now that counts.
Now, note which event coincided with you first gaining weight. Think about how you felt then create a simple sentence like: “I felt vulnerable without Grandma,” or “I felt rejected by Steve.” This is the reason why you overeat.
Now you ave established the negative thinking that is holding you back and the events in your past that have led you to comfort eat, you are set to say overeating goodbye for good.
Why? Because by facing up to your emotions, you are halfway there. To completely escape negative memories, however, you have to try this 5-minute task.
task. Fill in the following sentence:
I am not in control of my eating habits because................................
(fill in with the negative sentence you gave the highest score to in part one, or a painful memory that you identified triggered your weight gain in part two).
Read the next sentence aloud, and score how unhappy it makes you feel every time.
I rate my unhappiness about................................ out of ten. But even though I felt like that before, I deeply and completely love and accept myself.
According to Sandy and Amanda, the more times you do it, the lower your grading will be – freeing you from the negative thoughts.
Now it is time to up the ante on positive thinking by creating the ultimate reminder of just how fantastic you really are!
The more you love your body, the more you will nourish yourself with healthy, low-fat foods. It sounds unlikely but it really is proven! Use the following suggestions to make a sentence that fits you.
I AM A... a healthy, happy, loving, beautiful, funny, kind, creative, wise... mother, lover, friend, listener, wife, teacher...
I WANT TO BE SOMEONE WHO... loves myself, gets results, laughs, motivates, lives a healthy lifestyle.
Now say it out loud, every day, and be prepared to see your happiness soar, as well as your motivation to get and stay in shape.